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Tundish and continuous casting-tundish lining

The tundish magnesia dry material produced by Hefeng Company uses high-quality magnesia and binder, and has the following advantages:

1. Good heat preservation effect and lower energy consumption.

2. The baking time is reduced, the tundish turnover speed is accelerated, and the production scheduling is convenient.

3. Long pouring time reduces the cost of refractory material per ton of steel.

4. The residual lining is easy to disassemble, and the life of the permanent lining is improved.

The tundish magnesia spray paint and magnesia coating material produced by Hefeng Company use high-quality magnesia and bonding agent, which has the following advantages:

1. Convenient construction.

2. The baking time is reduced, the tundish turnover speed is accelerated, and the production scheduling is convenient.

3. Long pouring time reduces the cost of refractory material per ton of steel. To extend the service life and purify molten steel.

Anshan Hefeng Refractories Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Yingkou Zhongchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd. provides technical support

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